Seaweed Extract (StarchMate®)

StarchMate® for low GI(glycemic index) food production

StarchMate® is the polyphenol-rich fraction from brown seaweed which can be easily incorporated into current products such as instant rice gruel, flour or oatmeal. StarchMate® efficiently reduced 22~67% GI value of different foods by retarding the digestion of starch. We tested a commercial job’s tear powder by simply mixed with StarchMate® and reduced 45% GI.

StarchMate® reduce food GI by inhibiting a-amylase & a-glucosidase


StarchMate lowers GI of rice in clinical trails

Our company commissioned the lab of Professor Liu Jen-Fang (CGUST) to conduct research. A standard human clinical trail (1) was performed to compare the GI value changes between StarchMate-coated rice and regular white rice. In this study, the GI value of regular rice was determined as 78.8 and GI value of StarchMate-coated rice was determined as 62.1. The GI value decreased by 21%, indicating that coating StarchMate can effectively reduce the GI value of rice.